Scotty's Outdoor Adventures


  • Salmon, Sturgeon, and Walleye
  • Full Day Fishing All Tackle & Bait Provided
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About Your Trip

Items to Bring

  • Fishing license
  • Sunscreen
  • Cold weather gear / full rain gear
  • Lunch and snacks
  • No federally illegal substances are allowed on board

Included with your trip

  • 23 Foot Alumaweld Super Vee Sled
  • 8 hours of fishing with a professional, experienced, licensed guide.
  • All equipment rod & reel all tackle bait lures
  • Fish cleaned and packaged for transport

Get Acquainted with the Different Fish


Walleye is casually referred to as Columbia River Gold and is some of the best-eating fish in the Columbia River. If you like fish tacos, you will love the flakey white meat of a walleye.

Although there is no size limit or catch limit, I practice releasing large fish over 25” and limiting the boat catch to 10 fish per angler per day on the boat. This is an amazing fishery, and the goal is to keep this fishery for years to come and for the next generation. If we all practice releasing the large females, we will have more fish in the river system along with a chance of catching the next world record!



Keeper Sturgeon trips start in early January on the Mid-Columbia until quotas have been met, and then it becomes a Catch and Release fishery. I target these fish primarily in the spring, summer, and fall, and this fishery can be very fast-paced with a lot of action.

I offer and provide the ultimate fishing experience with what we call in the Northwest “Oversize Sturgeon.”

People come from all over the world to target these dinosaurs of the Columbia River. If you want to “battle the beast,” these fish are 6 to 9 feet in length, up to the rare 12 footers. These fish are hard fighting, tail-walking beasts!! Prime months are June thru November. Many call this fishery the “poor man’s marlin” @ $200 per seat; you and your family and friends can catch a fish of a lifetime! If you are daring and want the ultimate adventure, you can get in the water with these excellent fish and take pictures and videos of you swimming with the beast.


In the Fall, I fish for Salmon at the mouth of the Deschutes and Klickitat Rivers. I usually start fishing early to mid-August thru November, depending on the timing of the run. I primarily target chinook and coho as they are the abundant species in this river area during the fall Salmon run.